I’ve been no stranger to eating fish here in Mui Ne. Before sexy Russians in small bikinis and, well, travelers like me arrived, the town was a thriving fishing village. The fish are still abundant, with many now digested by yours truly.
On the outskirts of Mui Ne’s busy stretch of geared-for-tourists restaurants (which are still delicious, I’ll add), are a handful of “street restaurants.” A step up from streetfood, as there’s really tables and a pseudo-kitchen, but still, on the street, adjacent to the ocean, with no walls, running water, and maybe an outhouse (which are STILL somehow nicer than most toilets I used in India).
The prices are dirt, dirt cheap, and there’s really something to be said about picking out your red snapper while it’s still swimming. Or pointing to a bowl of scallops and ark (a cross between a clam and mussel) and have them snap at you.
If you are so lucky as to travel through lovely Mui Ne and you are ravenous, and you love fish, I would tell you simply: Go. Do. Choose. Eat. In the words of that icon, Ferris Bueller, “it is so choice.”
I am still in awe of you eating all this FRESH seafood. I think of Grandpop and how he loved raw shellfish and anything from the sea…just like you!
Love, Momala
I loved your Christmas decorations and the way you displayed them!! Kind of like I would!!
Love you, Momala
Red Snapper’s my fav…..but only if it’s cooked!!!!