Git In Mah Belly, Living Sea Creatures!

I’ve been no stranger to eating fish here in Mui Ne. Before sexy Russians in small bikinis and, well, travelers like me arrived, the town was a thriving fishing village. The fish are still abundant, with many now digested by yours truly.

Vietnam Scallops and Ark
Mini Scallops and Ark

On the outskirts of Mui Ne’s busy stretch of geared-for-tourists restaurants (which are still delicious, I’ll add), are a handful of “street restaurants.” A step up from streetfood, as there’s really tables and a pseudo-kitchen, but still, on the street, adjacent to the ocean, with no walls, running water, and maybe an outhouse (which are STILL somehow nicer than most toilets I used in India).

Vietnam Clams
Clams Galore

The prices are dirt, dirt cheap, and there’s really something to be said about picking out your red snapper while it’s still swimming. Or pointing to a bowl of scallops and ark (a cross between a clam and mussel) and have them snap at you.

Vietnam streetfood
Street Restaurant = Fresh Fish for Passenger Conners

If you are so lucky as to travel through lovely Mui Ne and you are ravenous, and you love fish, I would tell you simply: Go. Do. Choose. Eat. In the words of that icon, Ferris Bueller, “it is so choice.”

red snapper Vietnam
I will eat you, Mr. Red Snapper


  1. I am still in awe of you eating all this FRESH seafood. I think of Grandpop and how he loved raw shellfish and anything from the sea…just like you!
    Love, Momala

  2. I loved your Christmas decorations and the way you displayed them!! Kind of like I would!!
    Love you, Momala

  3. Rhea Auerbach says:

    Red Snapper’s my fav…..but only if it’s cooked!!!!