Blow Skin Chicken: When Dinner Turns … Sculpture

Blow Skin ChickenIt’s not appropriate, no. But it is gosh darn delicious. Seen above are the bony remnants of a “blow skin chicken” dinner. According to American expat, food writer and new friend, Richard Sterling, the cook actually blows air (yes, from his mouth – sadly more details are fuzzy) between chicken skin and meat prior to cooking. The end result? Moist moist moist meat heaven.

We had our blow skin chickens roasted, steamed, fried and in fish sauce (note, if you will, the 4 heads – as if you wouldn’t – mwahaha!). I’d like to note that there were chickens running around us on the Saigon street before our dinner. Yet I only saw one afterwards. Coincidence? You decide.

blow skin chicken


  1. Absolutely yucky!!! Gross, disgusting etc. But you have come a long from that little girl picky eater I loved (and still love) so dearly!!! So, Bon Apetite, on your Great Adventure!!!

  2. I’m with Momola on this one–mutually gross and fascinating. Did the cook use a straw to blow air under that chicken skin? But the real question is–would they allow hush puppies?