The Maldives

Traveling Bliss: The Maldives

Traveling Bliss: The Maldives

What’s that? You say you’d like to visit Paradise on your next vacay? Excellent. I can help. Get thee to Komandoo Resort in The Maldives, stat. This tiny, private island resort will soothe your soul, wipe your cares away and bring you all that other blissed-out jazz — I promise. It’s […]

Checking Off the  Bucket List: The Maldives

Checking Off the Bucket List: The Maldives

Years ago, while working as a freelancer, one of my regular gigs involved writing beach reviews for the world’s best stretches of sand and surf. Year after year the Maldives made the list, and with each new stint of research my obsession with seeing what’s widely believed to be the […]