Post Tagged with: "Digital Nomads"

She works hard for the money...while in Buenos Aires cafés.

11 Ways to Prepare for Location Independent Living

Before you set out on your nomadic living adventure — or before you even DECIDE to do so — it helps to break down and consider the major steps you’ll need to take. While my list of 11 ways to prepare is by no means comprehensive, it’s a start that helped keep me sane (well, mostly).

Introducing my new pets!

Digital Nomads and Pet Ownership: Because, Why the Heck Not?

So, I bought a pet. Actually, 2 pets. If, in fact, a betta fish can be classified as a pet (and why shouldn’t it be?!). What? Is it weird to own a pet but have no permanent address? Aw, come on…live a little! It was my birthday weekend, and perhaps […]

The Day the MacBook Air Died

The Day the MacBook Air Died

There are days in a digital nomad’s life that are very, very good. Like, when you’re cruising through the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve at Grand Teton National Park and you see a monstrous moose with velvety antlers chilling in a pond, chomping on stringy, green algae, and staring at you […]

Grand Canyon North Rim

A Tale of Location Independence: Why Live This Life?

People often wonder what the great benefit is that I reap from location independence, or why on Earth I’d give everything up, home included, to live life as a digital nomad. Most days, as I’ve explained, look fairly similar, with many hours of work under my belt, and perhaps the […]

The adult pool at Sports Village, St. George

Living on the Corner of Nice and Nicer Streets

While I have had plenty to say about Utah’s parks on Passenger Conners in the recent past, I’ve had remarkably little to note about the town I called home for 3 weeks, St. George, Utah. After telling strangers and friends I’d be living there for a spell, the most common […]

“For the Adventure of Being Alive”

“For the Adventure of Being Alive”

I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream for the adventure of being alive… I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to […]

There it is, folks -- all our stuff (less 2 suitcases).

Let the Adventure Begin … Tomorrow!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow! My apologies. I’m prone to bursting into Little Orphan Annie’s theme song today, knowing that tomorrow — tomorrow! — is the official date of departure for my foray into location independence. Yup, in 14 hours, we’ll hit the road, not as New Yorkers leaving […]

That's no Bali retreat; that's my new digs in the Grove.

Passenger Conners, Part Deux: Aw, YEAH, Location Independence

When I returned from 8 months traveling around the globe, I immediately unpacked my backpack, settled back into a life in the Northeast, and enjoyed the simple pleasures of stationary life, which now felt like sheer decadence. I peaced out. There were no planes to catch, no cities to explore, […]