Photographic Evidence: Why I Left It All Behind

Koh Kong Island, Cambodia
The perfect beach at Koh Kong Island, Cambodia, which remains undeveloped..

To be fair, this postcard-worthy deserted beach on Koh Kong Island off the coast of Cambodia isn’t specifically the first and only reason why “I left it all behind” to travel to globe – but it certainly counts for something.

Seriously, I left to explore, to be changed and learn and grow, and trek to as many amazing places in a world as far removed from the one I grew to know as possible (Imagine: me sitting at a computer, working, in a city on the east coast of America).

And sometimes that means seeking out an undeveloped island in the Gulf of Thailand with 4 other people and a boat crew of 2 salty sea dudes. Oh, the rewards one reaps if venturing out there!

Spending a random Thursday morning snorkeling, swimming and listening to sand so fine that it squeaks when you walk over it (view photos). Walking along the beach of Cambodia’s version of Gilligan’s Island until coming upon a freshwater lagoon. Laying in the shade and reading. And, as afternoon arrived, eating fresh barracuda grilled on the sand, with rice and vegetable curry and guzzling icy cold water. This, my friends, is perfect. And this, is happy:

Ayaz and I on Koh Kong
We’re not saying “Cheese,” we’re saying, “Islands RULE!”


  1. love it!

  2. Lady, your bod is rockin!

    • Valerie Conners says:

      thanks, but really – it’s the island lighting – plays tricks with the eye. good for all, I swear it.

  3. am inspired by your posts–kee em coming!

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